After-School Program
After-School Program
Established: 2016
Grades: 3-12
Locations: Various Schools and Community Centers (Map)
Month: September-June
Duration: Weekly
Activities: Homework, officer mentoring/tutoring, team sports, group discussions
Eligibility: Students with good attendance and interest in PAL
Past Trips: New York City, Washington, D.C., Gettysburg, Niagara Falls, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg
PAL’s after-school program is the foundation for all other PAL camps and activities. During the school year, PAL officers meet with students once a week to do homework, play team sports and gym games, and facilitate group discussions. This mentoring, tutoring, and coaching helps students improve their academic outcomes and physical fitness while learning teamwork, respect, discipline and build character. Students who are actively involved in the after-school program and live up to the program’s values are invited to participate in educational trips, summer camps and other unique opportunities offered by PAL. Thanks to sponsors and volunteers, these programs and trips are available to all students with good school attendance, regardless of their family’s ability to pay.