Boys & Girls Club Camp

Boys & Girls Club Camp

Established: 2020
Grades: 3-12
Month: June
Duration: One week
Location: Boys & Girls Club of Erie
Eligibility: Students who are active in the PAL after-school program
Activities: Various sports, field/gym games, beach day

Traditionally the first PAL program of the summer, the week-long Boys & Girls Club camp is filled with crazy games and fun activities facilitated by local law enforcement officers. Through face-to-face peer interaction, participants learn teamwork and gain diverse perspectives. The highlight of the week is a beach day at Presque Isle State Park, where kids and cops enjoy the sand and sun.

Each day, students get to know officers as people and begin to break down the barriers that too often set them apart. Youth showing distinguished leadership, integrity, listening skills, and communication skills during this program can receive an invitation to the PAL Junior Police Academy Camp.